Service Fabric and Microservice Architecture

Introduction of Service Fabric:

Service fabric is Microsoft’s Platform as a service framework designed for building and deploying microservice-based applications efficiency.It is capable of handling both stateful and stateless process.

Service fabric run on any windows system also has Linux version, so making it portable inmany cloud platform.

Service Fabricprovideslifecycle management capabilities for microservice based application, which are hosted inside containers that are deployed in Service fabric cluster.

Service Fabric Capabilities:

Azure Service Fabric is an independent service deployable on any cloud platform like – AWS, Azure etc.

Developer can write code once and deploy it to Service Fabric cluster.

The platform facilities the development and deployment of applications in microservice architecture swiftly.

When lots of people start using the App then Service Fabriccan automatically make it bigger so it can handle all the traffic. 

Introduction of Service Fabric Cluster:

Service Fabric Cluster consists of multiple nodes, which are network connected computers where microservice are deployed and managed.Each cluster node is a system that is a member of the cluster.

Introduction of Microservice:  

Microservice architectureinvolves breaking down large applications into the smaller, independent part. Each service has own thing and is responsible for specific business logic capability.

Microservice architectureare loosely coupled and communicate with each other using Service Application programing Interface (API)over the HTTP or Messaging protocols.

To serve the single use request, a microservice-based application can call on many internal microservice to compose its response.

A Microservice architectureis a type of application where application is develop as a collection of services.

Benefits of Microservice:

Microservice allows individual components of an application to be develop and deployed independently. 

Team can work on and deployed microservice independently, resulting in faster deployment cycle.

Microservice provide facility to use different technologies and framework within the single applications.

Smaller, focused service are easy to understand, maintain and debugged the applications.

Microservice provide facilitate continues integration and deployment, promoting a devops culture.

Now, combining Service Fabricwith Microservice, Service fabric helps organize to run, deployed and manages all the Microservice smoothly. Even if something goes wrong with the one service, the rest of the service are keep going. They make app faster and strong.

 This Blog Provide a comprehensive overview of Service Fabric and Microservice architecture, covering its definition, capabilities etc.


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