Upload React Native Project to GitHub Using Android Studio

Upload React Native Project to GitHub Using Android Studio


1. Initialize a Git repository in your project:

· Open your React Native project in Android Studio.

· Navigate to VCS (Version Control System) -> Git -> Initialize Git Repository. This action creates a .git folder in your project directory, which will track changes to your code.

2. Create a new repository on GitHub:

· Sign in to your GitHub account and go to the "Repositories" section.

· Click on "New repository" and give it a name (e.g., your-react-native-project). You can also add a brief description.

· Choose to initialize the repository. Click "Create repository."

3. Configure the remote repository:

· In Android Studio, navigate to VCS -> Git -> Manage Remotes.

· Click the "+" icon and assign a name to the remote (e.g., "origin").

· Paste the HTTPS clone URL of your newly created GitHub repository into the "URL" field. You can find this URL on your GitHub repository's main page. It typically looks like (https://github.com/your-username/your-repository-name.git.).

· Click "OK" to save the remote configuration.

4. Add and commit changes:

· In the Version Control panel on the right side of Android Studio, stage the files you want to upload to GitHub. You can select individual files or use the checkbox at the top to select all.

· Click on the message box below the Version Control panel and enter a descriptive commit message summarizing the changes you're pushing.

· Click the green commit button to commit your changes locally.

5. Push your changes to GitHub:

· Go to VCS -> Git -> Push.

· Select the remote repository you configured (e.g., "origin") and the branch you want to push.

· When prompted, enter your GitHub username and password.

· Click "Push" to upload your code to GitHub.


By following these steps, your React Native project will be uploaded to the GitHub repository.


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